Calling a chartered surveyors East London might not be at the top of your priority list when you are thinking of buying a house. You’ll be excited to move, keen to put all your furniture in place, perhaps frustrated that the whole process seems to take so long… you might not be considering spending even more money on a chartered surveyor when the cost to move is already high. However, having a home survey done by a chartered surveyor can actually save you money in the long term. Here’s how.
When you look around a house for the first time, you’ll be using your heart. You’ll either not notice, or just choose to ignore, the imperfections that might be there. This is fine on a first viewing; if you like the property enough, you’ll be back for more.
The second viewing is when you need to look around using your head. You’ll need to make a point of noticing all the potential problems – your future could depend on spotting these issues before you actually hand over any money. The thing is, though, it’s not always easy to pick these problems out, and that’s why a chartered surveyor can help you. Even if you’re sure a house is absolutely perfect, there will still be things that the surveyor can spot and make you aware of.
This can help you to decide how much you want to pay for the house and therefore what to offer, or it could help you decide not to buy and look for something else. Buying without a proper home survey could mean you are over-paying, or that you have to pay out for repairs after you have moved in.
Your mortgage
It’s not just your peace of mind that chartered surveyors East London are going to be promoting; your mortgage provider will want to know that they are lending the right amount of money too. Although valuing a property is not an exact science, they will want to be sure that, should you default on your mortgage payments, they will be able to sell the property and see their money – or at least most of it – return to them. If there are problems that come up in a survey, the mortgage provider may refuse to lend the money.